
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

DIVING in WA- 2010 and 2nd Semester update

Second Semester Started out busy!  Arriving back the day before uni started, I quickly prepared myself for the routine life ahead....

School-  I am now at Notre Dame,  a catholic law school, but a better law school none the less.  With only four classes this semester, I will be studying the second part of Constitutional Law, Property Law, Legal Ethics and Philosophy (actually a mandatory unit at this school :(  but I'll take the bad with the good!

Work has been very hectic.  I am now working on and off with a lawyer I had worked a refugee case with (with regard to people smuggling), part time (2 days a week) with a German International Law firm who has just opened an office in Perth, I worked on a TPA case for one month 3 nights a week, which is now thankfully done and I am now back to volunteering with the Innocence Project WA.

Diving hasn't been what it was on the east coast unfortunately.  There are heaps of stingers over here and there aren't nearly as many interesting shore dives, making it quite expensive...  I have only therefore been able to go out a few times since arriving, once further up north from Hillary's boat harbor and twice at Rottnest Island.  I took the below photos on these dives.

I have now begun my Dive Masters and hope to be a professional diver by this time next year!  Wish me luck!

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